3 big changes this month! Bye bye paci, forward facing car seat, and first mini buzz cut! Kaleb sat perfectly still while daddy buzzed his head!
Thinks he is so stylin' with daddy's glasses. He'll wear them for our entire walk but upside down, of course, since they don't stay on right side up! Such a cool dude!
We are weaning Kaleb from the paci on a trial basis only as he can be quite the fussy one! So far so good! We just started 4 days ago and he has succesfully been off the paci for 4 days and 3 nights. I know the longer we wait the more difficult it will become and once his baby bro is seen sucking on the paci he will never want to let it go so I was really wanting to do this before baby arrives. Naps have been great with the exception of today when he cried it out for about 5 minutes and then daddy caved and brought him in to our room to cuddle. When he calmed down I put him back down in his crib. I thought he'd lay right down but instead he sat up and clutched his blanket. Then I was worried he'd fight it again but I blew him a kiss and headed for the door as quickly as I could and he said "BYE!" and waved so I had high hopes. He fell right to sleep.
Nights have been more difficult. He's had to fall asleep on Derek or myself with the exception of tonight since we were driving home and he fell asleep in the car. We'll just have to let him cry it out and not rock him at bedtime although I couldn't resist the past few nights. He got his first short haircut (bye bye curls--so sad!) so he looked so similar to when he was just a baby! And he was curled up on mommy holding me tight! So precious! I could have held him all night!
I'm sticking to my guns since I wanted to wean him a while ago. The plan was to wean him while in Michigan but that trip ended up being one of the most difficult times I have ever had in dealing with him. He was sick and he's always super fussy when ill but even so, it was worse than ever! Needless to say, he wouldn't let go of his paci that entire week! My biggest concern is restaurants when he gets restless and wants to expend energy and run around. Oh dear! Hopefully, he'll go down at bedtime the rest of the week without having to fall asleep on us. He's been really great this entire week without the paci during the day so I hope this keeps up!
Another change, we turned his carseat around to face forward. Derek has been begging me to turn him around but we had learned in our child safety course that rear facing until 2 is safest so I kept saying "no!" Until this past week when Kaleb had his little body turned around the majority of the time on car rides anyway to give me big smiles and to try to see what was going on behind him so I figured it was time. Boy was he excited to see everything from a new perspective as you can see!
what's new at 21 months?
- attempting more difficult words with not much success, but attempting nonetheless! He'll try so hard to say "presentation" or "razorbacks" and it sounds almost like it!
- says "no" quite often and appropriately when asked if he wants more juice or milk for instance
- such a wild man! he makes these deep throated manly noises when he gets excited or is acting mischevious! no clue where he got this from!
- loves babies so I'm hoping he'll adore his baby brother! the last two times we went to the park he ran after one mother and her baby saying "baby!" all the way and when they disappeared inside to cool off he threw up his hands and looked to me and Derek for answers as to their whereabouts. Another baby he just kept touching his little feet and giggling =)
- putting together two word sentences but just a few: "up please" and "my daddy"
- 13th tooth is coming in!
- such a big helper. still throwing food sometimes but he'll help pick it up after dinner.
- doing the cutest things! he got a grocery cart from the rhea lana sale complete with fake food boxes (brand new!) and one box has a pic of icecream cones and he brought it to me and said "please!" This child LOVES icecream! I had to show him there was nothing inside and explained that it was just a play toy. Well, he understood and didn't see the need for keeping pretend icecream around so he marched right up to the trash can and threw it away. So funny!
- I also bought him a tractor which he adores. Brought it in the bathtub with him and to bed!
- he seems to understand nearly everything I say which I know is certainly not true but he'll respond when I say something I honestly didn't believe he'd understand. Understands a ton but still waiting for his funny little language to sound more like English!
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