- 9 lbs. 8 oz at 2 month visit
- so sweet! bats his long eyelashes and just smiles all day long!
- teased me with sleeping an 8 hour stretch at 2 months then went right back to waking up every 2-4 hours! Oh well, nothing better to wake up to!
- smiles biggest for his big brother. If he's crying in the morning while I'm cooking breakfast, Kaleb runs into the bedroom where he is, climbs up onto the bed, and gets him to stop crying, no paci required! I'll walk into the room to find a huge smile on ashton's face and he's just cooing away at his big bro while kaleb loves all on him!
kaleb: such a funny stage right now cracking us up night and day! Derek and I call each other often throughout the day with "you wouldn't believe what your child just did!" Here are some funny moments:
- before bedtime we say "5 more minutes then it's bedtime." Once the 5 minutes are up and we tell him to give night night kisses he protests in that sweet little voice "minutes!" or "more minutes" or "FI minutes!" hahahaha
- I thought his vocabulary had grown last month...boy oh boy has it ever increased. He loves sounding out words and will repeat them over and over again. Practice makes perfect! So as we're driving in the car we hear "firetruck...firetruck...firetruck...red...big...firetruck" as he then incorporates others words he knows.
- organizing fool! He's definitely picked up on his mama's OCD for cleaning. He'll organize all his toys in a perfect line, organize pots and pans in the drawer even better than I do (he seriously de-clutters and saves space by removing pans and putting them in other drawers for overall improved appearance), lines up all the ride on toys on the playground before we leave, places fridge condiments in perfect rows...I've gotta say, I LOVE this new hobby of his!
step 1: pull everything out to assess what we're working with
step 3: Now a place for everything and everything in its place after kaleb's touch! You should have seen what it looked like before the little miracle worker got to it! Measuring cups and spatulas just strewn about. Madness I tell you! Does that drawer not look PRECIOUS? This is what I come to find after sitting on the couch eating cookies...all in a day's work my friends =)
- knows that "honey" and "buddy" are terms of endearment although we don't use them together...but he does! I've blown kisses only to get a response of "I LU YOU honey buddy!" And my heart is his...
- at dayschool on the door to his classroom there are pictures of him and all his classmates with their precious angel faces. His classmates are giving sweet smiles, some are looking serious and posed on chairs and then there's Kaleb! BIG CHEESY cheese face grin with a red bucket on his head! That's my boy! The kid LOVES hats so much so that he transforms other objects into hats
- says bye bye to inanimate objects. When we see firetrucks and firemen (as we did at walmart over the holiday weekend) and I roll down the window so he can give a big wave he says "bye bye firetruck" (his gaze was set on the red truck...I don't think he gave the very enthusiastic firemen a glance). He's also said "bye motorcycle," "bye toys" and "bye bye choochies (cookies)!"
- at chik fil A on grand opening day all the children rushed to the big cow walking around. Some gave hugs, some stared up with huge grins, some stood bashfully by, and then comes Kaleb! Marches right up, gives a fist bump and blows it up! It took the cow a sec to realize what kaleb was doing then caught on and they were fist bumping like champs!
- Middle eastern influence? The child adds "eesh" to everything. He and his best buddy at dayschool, Parker, are so cute together. I was told that after naptime whoever would wake up first would run to the other to wake him up to play. He says "bye bye parkeesh" every day! He also loves tractors and will yell out "trateesh" whenever we see one. He now says "trator" but every now and then...he also has a hawk eye for motorchichels (motorcycles). While we're craning our necks to see where he's pointing at we hear a huge roar and then it'll pass above us on a bridge...seriously how does he spot them?
- in the grocery store every time we get to the cheese aisle he says very loudly, "MOMMY CHEESE PEASE!"
we love these two to pieces!!!
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