The first week we brought ashton home was ROUGH!!! Kaleb was waking up in the morning and after naps in screaming fits. The doctor told me to bring him in to check for an ear infection and sure enough he had one but good grief! Most children just look miserable when sick but Kaleb lets the whole world know it! I'm sure adjusting to the new addition and practicing for the terrible twos had something to do with it as well! After the first week everything was AWESOME! We had decided to pay for full time daycare for Kaleb just until we had gotten breastfeeding established but, of course on the second day that plan went into action we got a call asking for kaleb to be picked up because of 3 dirty diapers. So I just kept Kaleb out of daycare completely for the first two weeks of ashton's homecoming. Who needs to get nursing down pat, pump incessantly, alternate between cold packs of peas and hot cloths to lessen engorgement, study, nap, clean house, EAT?!! Well this girl definitely did but we successfully got most of these tasks accomplished anyhow and I had a blast with both my boys!
Kaleb absolutely adores ashton, will lay next to him on the couch and cuddle, nuzzle, and rub his head just like I do. He'll bring me his diapers, help pour water on him during bathtime, put in his paci (and if the paci is missing he'll improvise with his finger and let him suck), and each morning he says "baby" or "ashton" (no more annie =)) and looks for him for morning kisses. He got pretty jealous when nursing but got over that pretty quickly. He has realized he has a new role to fill as big brother, has taken to his responsibilities and has matured so much!
So here's some of what we've been up to this past month. We've had so much fun never being home!!! Ashton was out more than he was in the first week of his life! We've had lots of family fun time and are having a blast adjusting to our new, busier, more blessed life!
aunt jenny and mamaw visit!
love hanging out with uncle jerod!
visit from lily!
shopping with mommy
ashton just cuddles into his sling and that's how he strolls! loves it!
pajama day at school!
another visit from lily and meemaw!
first trip to chuck e cheese! I think this is the spot for birthday #2! Kaleb adored the singing animals
twins dylan and dalen come over to play
love the singing--now headless--monkey. Bit creepy but fitting for Halloween
Doctor Kaleb in the house
pumpkin patch
not too into picking out his pumpkin. He kept saying please more trateesh (tractor). LOVES riding. This kid could ride on a tractor all day long!
bradley, jesse, and kaleb

Papa, nana, chelbi and newborns owen and ashton

The kiddos made an awesome haunted house but kaleb wanted none of it! He preferred sliding around on his knees with jesse

ready to get candy

kaleb's first time trick or treating was so much fun! Chenal circle was perfect as they block off the circle so there are no cars and it's the perfect length for getting a good amount of candy! There were tons of kids! Kaleb's face just lit up with all the festivities and each time he received candy! He happily said "happy halloween" all night! Kids decorated their golf carts so cute!
The kiddos made an awesome haunted house but kaleb wanted none of it! He preferred sliding around on his knees with jesse
ready to get candy
kaleb's first time trick or treating was so much fun! Chenal circle was perfect as they block off the circle so there are no cars and it's the perfect length for getting a good amount of candy! There were tons of kids! Kaleb's face just lit up with all the festivities and each time he received candy! He happily said "happy halloween" all night! Kids decorated their golf carts so cute!
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