we have been to jump zone 5 times the past month for a birthday party, play dates, and family time! it is kaleb's AND mommy's favorite!!! kaleb even puts his arms in the air when sliding! I love that my independent little man still needs his mama on the "scary shark slide" and "big boat slide." He loves sliding on mama's lap and I love every bit of it since it won't be long until he'll take on even the biggest slides "all by ah self!"
lily and kaleb on my lap!

meemaw and ashton! it works out well when meemaw cuddles ashton and I slide with the big kids all day!

cohen's birthday at jump zone! as usual, kaleb ran around screaming with glee...that is, until he saw the cake cohen's mommy made for him! This kid LOVES cake and he sat patiently in front of it waiting for the main event!
notice the object of his affection

when cohen decided he wasn't really into blowing out his candles, kaleb was more than happy to help to get the show on the road!

daddy I'll take that piece right there and that piece right there...
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