Friday, May 28, 2010

adventures in potty training

wearing his favorite underwear that happens to be two sizes too big

told you so

showing off his tricks to pass time until potty time!

making his cheese face

more tricks

"kaleb, do you have to go potty?"

"no. mommy ride it!"

stair stepping

oops! an accident! underwear change, addition of shirt, and k decides he must wear his boots with his new get up

playing puzzles on daddy's iphone another underwear change later

what better way to end a fun day of playing and potty training with ashy and mommy than to sit on the potty...

and NOT go potty!


Anonymous said...

Needs sucking and fucking

Anonymous said...

Needs a good ass fucking and filling before being strangled. Then his balls and peepee are cut off and is fucked like a girl.